Tag Archives: lovelies

new year, new me

11 Feb

lovelies, let’s breeze past the fact i’ve been inactive for oodles of time, again.

how has 2014 been treating you so far? i, for one, was very happy leaving 2013 behind me- not that it was all bad, but especially the end sucked, with emergency eye surgery in november and getting robbed on christmas… let’s just say i’m looking forward to 2014 being better :)

speaking of better, and referring back to the title of this post, my new year’s resolution is to get in the best shape i’ve been. i’m aiming for ever, but that might be hard going back to the slimness of my 13 year old self. let’s be realistic here.
i’ve started working towards better physical fitness in april, after some events led to a very minimal consumption of food, and saw me losing 1,5 kgs in a week. no better motivation than that to get started on a healthy clean eating regimen! i’ve modelled my food plan on the paleo diet, with added influences of the dukan diet.
paleo_food_pyramidof course, it’s much easier to eat clean in the summer, when salads and light foods are especially appealing, but their winter counterparts are just as delicious!
vegetables of all colors come into play, eaten when possible as raw as you can- the less cooked they are, the better. i’ve omitted sugar and sweetener where i can, it’s taken a few days to get used to it, but now i can’t imagine drinking sweet coffee or tea again. lean red meat, chicken, turkey, tuna and salmon also feature heavily in my new diet, and go splendidly with all the vegetables! i haven’t given up grains, i often eat cereal (muesli) in the morning with low fat yogurt and berries, brown rice, wholegrain pasta, as well as wholegrain rye bread for spreads. but i find myself not really craving bread or carbs in any form in general, and when i do feel like having a sandwich, a tortilla is a great substitute for bread!
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmy drink of choice is water, or green tea. all day long. sometimes i drink peppermint, or other herbal teas too, but usually it’s green, especially in the mornings. in the evening i’ll sometimes switch the green tea for black, and add some skim milk to it (i often add milk to green tea too, it’s delicious!)

step two of the plan, was exercise. obviously. no way around that. nutrition plays an immense part in getting fit, but you have to get off your ass as well.
i’ve posted about my passion for zumba before, and i still do it once or twice a week, but i’ve added a few other elements to my workout regimen.
for the lovelies that haven’t heard of zumba, here’s a short video of what to expect from a class:

i try to go to the gym 3-4 times a week- sometimes less, sometimes more. when i don’t make it to the gym, i’ll go for a run outdoors; i don’t really like running, but it gets the job done, and is a pretty decent workout. i enjoy working out by myself, but i love the classes. when i do a solo session, i usually use the crosstrainer for 30-45 minutes, and then round it off with free weights, focusing on shoulders, triceps and biceps. i often pack in some squats and crunches too, depending on the workout i’ve done the session before.
the classes i frequent apart from zumba are bodyshape (aerobics-cardio), bbp (which stands for bauch-beine-po, abs-legs-ass, a combination of cardio and resistance exercises), body pump and body balance. the latter two are by les mills, and are freaking awesome!
you can read about body pump here, but it’s basically an intense “resistance workout training focusing on low weight loads and high repetition movements”. it is killer. but the feeling you get after doing it overshadows by far your inability to walk up stairs and lift a teacup the next day. it’s addictive. here’s their promo video, and the second one is what to expect from a class:

body balance is a beautiful beautiful class, which combines the elements of tai-chi, yoga and pilates to give you a well rounded, toning, strengthening and calming work out. i usually take a bodybalance class after one of the tougher sessions, to give myself a deep stretch, and calm down in a powerful way from the intensity of the previous class. here’s what to expect from a bodybalance class:

after almost a year (omg time flies!) of working out regularly and eating clean(er), i’m very happy with the results. i’ve lost 8,5 kgs, my arms, legs, back and abs are way more defined, and i’ve lost two dress sizes. the thing that most amazes me, is how working out has become an integral part of my lifestyle, and i’m so happy about it! it’s not a chore, something that i have to do, it’s something i look forward to doing, i want to! love it.
in conclusion, i don’t want to give the impression that i became a total health nut. puh-lease. i still have pizza, mcdonalds, sweets and pretty much any other thing i want. but the key is in the quantity, timing, and necessity. when i order a pizza, i only eat half of it. the other half goes into the fridge/freezer for some other time. when i eat junk, i try to do it earlier in the day, so that my metabolism is still running high enough to burn it effectively. cookies or chocolate in the evening? sure, but instead of eating 10 cookies, i’ll have 4. instead of three rows of chocolate, i’ll eat one. and it’s enough to still the craving. and of course, i then pack an extra bit of time at the gym to soothe my conscience. annoying little bugger it can be.

i’m curious to know whether any of you have tried or are doing these classes, and what you think of them?
let me know!
before i forget, follow me on instagram for updates!

ciao for now, lovelies



30 Nov

lovelies, i need to confess that i have a shoe addiction.
the thing that gives me great strength, is knowing that i am not alone with my condition.
but at least i’ve come to admitting it. that’s the first step, isn’t it?

i honestly don’t know how many pairs of shoes i own. but i do know that it’s still in the double digits… i think… no, it is. maybe i should get down to counting them some day. but then again i might really freak out and recoil in horror at the sheer number of shoes that will be laying around the floor.
ah i dream of the day, when i can have a whole room just for my shoes. or a room big enough to fit my shoes and my clothes. just looking at some of the shoe closets of some celebrities makes me want my own even more!
take a look:

rachel zoe’s shoe closet

khloe kardashian’s shoe closet (that’s not even all of it!)

christina aguilera’s closet (home to about 750 pairs!)

just wow, right?
i can fit in my closet just about the shoes needed for spring/summer and fall/winter respectively. it has a couple of top shelves that are really high up, so i stow away the unseasonal ones up there. however, it is still a bit of a pain, because i do have to really wedge every pair in there, and stack them on top of eachother…  here is a picture of my closet during spring/summer. you can actually see my timberlands and winter sneakers in the top part, below and behind them are boots and uggs.

not much space left…

of course it doesn’t help that i wear a size 41- my shoes are by default quite big! that is probably a reason why i do have so many shoes, because my size is a bit harder to find, when i do spot one that fits, i pounce!
i made a bet with myself, that for the whole month of october i wouldn’t shop for anything. ruthlessly nothing. and you know what? i did it! i went an entire month without buying so much as a t-shirt, nothing! i rewarded myself by buying a pair of shoes in the first november week. bam!

so pretty, couldn’t just leave them. no.

now that i’ve shared my main addiction (yes, there’s a couple of minor ones that involve bags and jeans…), i want to hear from you! what can’t you resist buying?

fall wootds- moccasins

22 Nov

lovelies, i know it’s been a while that i haven’t posted any outfits, so i’m going to make up for it now, by breaking up about 15 outfits into smaller posts.
i still have some fall outfits i want to show you, some are from early fall, and some are more wintery- unfortunately the weather decided to fast forward through autumn, and we’ve had about 2 weeks of mild weather, then straight to real cold.

i noticed that one of my favorite fall items were my minnetonka moccasins, they are so comfortable and cool, i’ve tried wearing them with pretty much everything! since today is thanksgiving (happy thanksgiving everyone!), i thought it would be a cool first post, you know, with the indians wearing moccasins and all :)

jacket: h&m
dress: h&m
shoes: minnetonka

cardigan: ellison
t-shirt: new yorker
jeggings: james jeans
shoes: minnetonka

jacket: zara
scarf: mango
cardigan: h&m
t-shirt: mango
jeans: zara
shoes: mango (black moccasins, with studs- sorry the pic is so shitty!)
bag: bcbg

jacket: h&m
sweater: h&m
jeans: zara
shoes: minnetonka
bag: LV

you will notice that the moccasins aren’t the only recurring item in the fall outfits, my h&m (light) parka has been one of the most versatile things i’ve ever bought. i’ve worn the crap out of it- the model, cut, material and color make it perfect over pretty much anything- i was so sad when i stowed it away, but i can’t wait to get it out again in spring!

done dipped

19 Nov

hello lovelies!
i hope you guys are holding up well, and not succumbing to the autumn blues!
it can get hard staying positive, when the sky is mostly gray and temps are low- thankfully the christmas markets have started opening, and there’s nothing better than holding a warm mug of mulled wine or punch, and inhaling the allspice scent in the air to shoo away the blues! can’t wait for my first visit!

lovelies, this post is about my hair. you might remember my ombre and dip dye post, which included a poll – well, thanks to your encouragement, i finally had the guts to go through with it!
at first i leaned more towards the ombre, because it seemed somewhat fancier with the added color, but then, i actually went for a gradual dip dye. i figured i could start off with something a little less aggressive than bleaching and coloring, so just lightening the ends of my hair seemed like a good compromise.
i love how it turned out, and i actually regret a bit not having been a bolder in the execution… but i can always get it done again when i go for a trim.
here is the final outcome:

of course i can’t leave you without before and after pics ( my wavy hair had to be brushed out, that’s why it looks the way it does):



here’s another pic of the finished look:

another reason why i didn’t do the ombre look is because i had done red henna to my hair about a year ago. henna is different to a toner or dye, because it changes the actual color of your hair, as in it doesn’t only envelope the hair like a regular dye, but it penetrates into it, and can’t be washed out. eventually it does lose the more flashy pigments (color keeps coming out when washing up to a month after it’s been done), but you are left with a beautiful shine/shimmer. henna has to be grown out, once you do it, you have to consider that your haircolor is permanently changed. so the hairdresser tested the bleach first on a lock she cut off, to see how light and to which shade it would go. my chocolate brown hair has a reddish shimmer, so when it was bleached, i was left with coppery strands- love it!

back to black

10 Sep

hello lovelies!

with the colder seasons on the horizon, my interest naturally wanders to darker colors. i’m sure yours does too.
let me tell you why i love black. well, it’s actually quite simple: who doesn’t?
not only is black slimming, elegant, timeless and über cool, it is also one of the easiest colors to wear. outfit all in black? why not. don’t know what to wear with this shirt/pants/shoes/bag/jacket? make the missing piece black, and in 99% of the cases you’ll be good to go.
mixing various textures and fabrics in an all-black outfit gives it a stylish edge, and doesn’t give an impression of a boring uniform. plus, any accent of color in the form of jewellery or accessories will pop against the dark “backdrop”.

black beauty- via http://www.fashionising.com

black is (or should be) a staple color in everyone’s wardrobe. you can never have too much black in my opinion. got 8  plain black tees? so what. you’ll wear them.
which brings me to my next point: black shoes. how many pairs of black shoes are enough? two? seven? fifteen? 
trick question!
there is no such thing as enough black shoes. am i right ladies and gents? unless you have the same identical pair three times. otherwise, you cannot seriously tell me that a pair of black smooth leather peeptoes are the same as black suede slingback peeptoes? or that black patent pumps count as much as black textured leather stilettos? or that having three different model black ballerinas are too many?! exactly. you can’t.

you might wonder what this post is about (besides my love for black and shoes)… well, it’s about my newest purchase!three pairs of black steve madden shoes.

1. wedge sneakers- yes, i know i just got some, but these are black. and have studs. awesome by default.

model: hamlit

2. boots with a block heel. don’t have one of those, the boots i have are either flat, or with a stiletto type heel. ergo, i needed these.

model: estellle

3. classic elegant pumps. i recently discovered that i mostly have peeptoes in my closet, and that just won’t do. every girl needs a similar pair of pumps, because they go with everything- will dress up jeans and a top, and will work with more elegant or work-related clothes. essential.

model: aspire

which shoes have you bought recently? what is your favorite pair of black footwear?


weekend trip!

17 Aug

hi lovelies!

i apologize for my silence during this week, it was a very hectic and fast couple of days…

i just want to tell you that as soon as i’m back from copenhagen, i will make it up to you with outfit, nail and baking posts!

ciao guys, see you soon!

vacation report I – ticino

16 Jul

hello lovelies!

sorry for my absence, it’s been a somewhat stressy couple of days, but now i can finally unwind- i’m on vacation in switzerland in ticino, where i grew up. so many memories! this place is beautiful, every time i come back i’m reminded of how blessed i was growing up in this little patch of heaven.

look, this is the view from my bedroom window- i want to add that the window takes up 3/4 of the wall, top to bottom, so it’s quite an impressive sight at any time of day:

i arrived saturday around noon, flew from vienna to zürich and then took the train to bellinzona. bellinzona is one of the bigger towns in the canton ticino- the italian side of switzerland (most southern part, bordering with italy), and it is known for its three majestic castles. the flight was so early, i had to get up at 4.15 am- pure torture! yuki wasn’t happy about having his night interrupted either, he just kept observing me from my pillow while i was getting ready- it took a lot of willpower not to get back to bed:

yesterday we went to have lunch at an amazing grotto (not what hugh hefner has- a grotto in italian is a small rustic restaurant) in montagnola, a suburb of lugano situated on a hill over the lake- beautiful area! pictures and a report to follow. fun facts about montagnola: the writer hermann hesse used to live here, and george harrison (the beatles) used to spend his summers there in his mansion.
we also passed by tasis, my high school, and needless to say the memories almost got me choked up! the campus became so much bigger and impressive! i can’t wait to meet some of my friends that now work there as summer camp tutors!

hope everyone is having a great weekend!