Archive | March, 2014

forced juice detox

25 Mar

hi lovelies!
i got another surgery done, yay!
no really, i removed two wisdom teeth, and had to empty my sinuses- fun stuff! in any case, on doctor’s orders i wasn’t allowed any solid food for 10 days, only liquidy foods.
now, for a passionate eater like myself, that sucked bigtime. no steak, no chicken or turkey, no salads and crunchy veggies… but you know what, i decided not to let that get me down, and use it as an incentive to get my juicer down from it’s winter exile on the top kitchen shelf.

the three juicesketeers: juicer, citrus press, blender

the three juicesketeers: juicer, citrus press, blender

lovelies, it was a delicious week. i unleashed my creative juices (puns!) and made up smoothies and juices on a daily basis.
here are my concoctions, with ingredient list:

the getting started
white grape
herbal tea

basically, i just wanted to try everything. first day back home, day 4 of eating liquids, i was sick and tired of water and broth they gave me at the hospital, so i really went for it :)
was delicious, and motivated me for the next day. i have to add though, that the cup i use is 0.5 liter- so im actually drinking at least half a liter of smoothie/juice in the morning, which is enough nutrients to keep me satisfied until the afternoon.

the so good i don’t want to stop

blood orange
herbal tea

i use both the blender, and the juicer. for bananas, raspberries and other soft ingredients, i like to keep all the fibers and just blend them, with water, almond milk, coconut water, herbal tea or skimmed milk. when i finish juicing the harder ingredients, i just add them to the blender, and give it a last spin, so that it’s nicely mixed.

the exotic pink one

the smoothie

the mostly veggie
white grape

the incredibly yummy
the classic

i got the stitches removed yesterday, and am allowed to start slowly eating solids again. however, it didn’t stop me from having juice today. i’ve gotten pretty used to it, and i wouldn’t want to miss having my delicious vitamin and taste explosion in the mornings!
while i was still recovering, i would have soup in the evening. i used my crock pot to make a delicious, healthy and light chicken rice soup with veggies. i found a recipe for this soup here, but i tweaked it to my needs and liking. i overcooked the rice, so that it pretty much fell apart, and shredded the chicken and veggies to a pulp in the processor. let me tell you, it wasn’t a pretty dish to look at, but it was so delicious! here’s the recipe for my chicken rice soup (of course you dont have to overcook the rice, nor process the chicken):
– 2-3 chicken breast fillets, skinless
– 1 big white onion, chopped
– 2-3 cups of mixed frozen veggies (i used a mix of broccoli, carrots, peas and cauliflower)
– 1 cup of rice (any rice you like)
– 8 cups of water or broth (i used 4 cups of stock and 4 of water- you can use chicken, beef or veggie stock, whichever you prefer)
– herbs
– salt and pepper for seasoning
start by putting half of the veggies in the crock pot, then layer the chicken over it, throw in the herbs, salt and pepper. then add the rice (spread it over the other ingredients),  and add the last layer of veggies over it. add the liquid, making sure everything is covered. cook on medium for 6-8 hours, or on high for 4-5 hours. after about half the time, i like to give it all a stir, and add some more liquid, if i feel the rice absorbed too much.
i had enough to eat from it for 5 days. i’d say it’s about 7-8 generous servings. it tastes amazing when served hot, with some lemon juice drizzled over it

i hope to have motivated you to welcome spring by trying these tasty doses of vitamins, veggies and fruits!
til next time lovelies xxxx